Relationship between dynamics of tillering and endogenous hormones of tall fescue under trample stress
Graphical Abstract
Present study investigated the effect of trample treatment on the changes of tillers number, endogenous hormones and their relationship of Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) to clarify the hormone mechanism of tillering and improve turfgrass traffic tolerance from physiological regulation aspect. The results showed that, tall fescue tillering performance was the result of the combined effects of a variety of hormones after trample treatment. IAA, ABA content and IAA/ZT ratio decreased while ZT content rised under mild trample treatment.These changes favored growth and development of tall fescue and it showed that, mild trampling promoted tillering of tall fescue. IAA content, ABA content and IAA/ZT ratio rised while ZT content decreased under moderate trample. The correlation between each hormone and tall fescue tillering ranked by the correlation coefficient was: IAA/ZTIAAABAZT.