Seed yield and seed yield components of Elymus nutans from different elevations
Graphical Abstract
Seed yield and yield components of Elymus nutans introduced from different elevations which were 2 500, 3 000, 3 500, 4 000 m were evaluated. The results indicated that seed yield per plant, dry weight per plant and fertile tiller number per plant attained relative higher coefficient of variation(CV), and harvest index, spikelet number per fertile tiller and seed number per spikelet had relative lower CV. There were significant difference among populations from 4 elevations in terms of seed yield and its components (P0.05).The population from 4 000 m elevation attained significantly lower seed yield per plant (14.58 g·plant-1) than the other populations. The highest seed yield per plant was 23.77 g·plant-1 which attained at the population from 3 500 m, but showed no difference with population from 3 000 m, 2 500 m. Except thousand seed weight, spikelet number per fertile tiller and harvest index, there were positive correlation or significant positive correlation between seed yield and the other yield components, the correlation coefficient can rank as dry weight per plantfertile tiller number per plantseed number per spikelet.