Spatial temporal variation characteristics of wind erosion in Zhangjiakou City, northern China, using a wind erosion model
Graphical Abstract
The spatial temporal variation characteristics of wind erosion during 2005, 2010 and 2015 in Zhangjiakou City were assessed using a wind erosion model, combined with remote sensing images, digital elevation model (DEM) data and land use data. The results showed that slight erosion was estimated at 11 784.90 km2 and accounted for 32.41% of the total area in 2005, while moderate erosion was estimated at 2 461.93 km2 and accounted for 6.77% of the total area . This indicated that slight and moderate erosions were the primary wind erosion intensities in Zhangjiakou City. In 2015, slight erosion was estimated at 7 322.08 km2 and accounted for 20.14% of the total area. This indicated that the area of wind erosion has a different intensity, showing a downward trend in Zhangjiakou City from 2005 to 2015. Moderate wind erosion was mainly distributed in Kangbao County, Shangyi County and Zhangbei County of Zhangjiakou City. Wind erosion area in Bashang Region was 9 520.47 km2, 8 086.85 km2 and 5 674.71 km2 in 2005, 2010, and 2015, respectively, In the Bacia Region, it was 4 762.36 km2, 2 808.34 km2 and 1 647.37 km2 in the Baxia Region in the 2005, 2010, and 2015, respectively. These result indicated that the area of wind erosion gradually declined in the Bashang and Baxia Region. The area of wind erosion and the proportion of wind erosion in each land use type was relatively higher in grassland and cultivated land than in other land use types. The intensity of wind erosion for each land use type was high for slight erosion. To conclude, the area of wind erosion for each land use type gradually declined from 2005 to 2015. These results could provide a scientific basis for soil erosion control and ecological environment construction in Zhangjiakou City in the future.