Soil properties associated with microbe in different types of Gannan grassland
Graphical Abstract
In Gannan region of Gansu province, the numerical sizes of respiration rates of different grassland type soils are: swamping meadowalpine shrub meadowalpine meadowsubalpine meadowupland meadow (0-15 cm), swamping meadowsubalpine meadowupland meadowalpine shrub meadowalpine meadow (15-30 cm), and swamping meadowupland meadowsubalpine meadowalpine meadowalpine shrub meadow (30-60 cm). The numerical sizes of soil microbial biomass carbon of different grassland type soils are: swamping meadowalpine shrub meadowalpine meadowsubalpine meadowupland meadow (0-15, 15-30 cm), and swamping meadowsubalpine meadowalpine shrub meadowalpine meadowupland meadow (30-60 cm). Respiration and microbial biomass carbon of different grassland type soils decreased with soil depth, while respiratory quotient increased and microbial quotient has no significant change. There was a significant positive correlation (P0.01) between respiration, microbial biomass carbon and soil moisture, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and a significant negative correlation (P0.01) between respiratory quotient and soil moisture, total organic carbon, total nitrogen. A significant positive correlation (P0.01) exists between microbial quotient and soil moisture, total nitrogen, while a significant negative correlation (P0.01) exists between microbial quotient and total organic carbon.