Effects of extracts from Hordeum brevisubulatum infected by endophytic fungi on the germination and growth of three turf grasses
Graphical Abstract
An experiment was conducted to test the Effects of Neotyphodium of Hordeum brevisubulatum on seeds and seedlings of Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea and Poa pratensis. The results from seed experiment showed that the extracts from H. brevisubulatum showed the inhibition on seed germination and seedling growth of all 3 grasses under filter paper germination conditions. The Neotyphodium endophyte significantly enhanced the inhibition of H. brevisubulatum on numbers of fibrous roots and seedling length of L.perenne, seedling length of P.pratensis (P0.05), respectively. However, it could remarkably reduced inhibition of H. brevisubulatum on seed germination of ryegass, seed germination and seedling length of tall fescue (P0.05). The results from pot experiment showed that the extracts from H. brevisubulatum accelerated plant growth of all 3 grasses. The Neotyphodium endophyte remarkably improved seeds germinations and seed length of tall fescue and P. pratensis (P0.05). This study showed that the endophytic fungi from H. brevisubulatum had an important effects on L.perenne, F.arundinacea and P.pratensis.