Study on the planting technique of mixed grassland in alpine pasture area
Graphical Abstract
Abstract: In order to study the planting technique of mixed grassland, a series trials of combinations of different grass species (legume and gramaneae) at Sangke town, Xiahe County were conducted during 2004-2006. Results from the study showed that in the first planting year (2004), yield of hay and fresh grass of the combination Ⅱ (the mixture of Onobrychis viciaefolia cv.Gansu, Medicago sativa cv. Algonguin, Elymus nutans and Bromus inermis) was the highest, and significant (P0.05) higher than those from combination Ⅰ (the mixture of O.viciaefolia cv.Gansu, M. sativa cv.Algonguin and E. nutans), Ⅲ (the mixture of O. viciaefolia cv.Gansu, M.sativa cv. Algonguin and B. inermis) and Ⅳ (the mixture of O. viciaefolia cv.Gansu and M. sativa cv. Algonguin); and the hay yield was higher by 379, 446 and 369 kg/ha, respectively. However, in the second planting year (2005) the yields of combinationⅠ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ were 2 489, 2 857, 2 715 and 2 977 kg/ha, respectively. There were no significant differences between the combination Ⅰ and Ⅲ; between combination Ⅱ and Ⅳ. In the third planting year (2006), the yield of hay and fresh grass of combination Ⅳ was the highest and significant (P0.05) higher than that of combination Ⅰ by 3 635 kg/ha. There were significant differences among the four combinations.