Grass endophyte research 10Seedling properties of Neotyphodium endophytehost complexes
Graphical Abstract
Some endophytic fungi involved in gramineous plants could provide better resistance to pests and plant pathogens, better tolerance to drought, better plant growth and tillering of the host. In this study, the seed germination, seedling growth and aphid resistance of several varieties of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum), perennial ryegrass (L. perenne) and wheat grass (Roegneria kamoji) containing endophytic fungi at different levels were tested both in growth chamber and pot. More tillers and better aphid resistance were significantly observed from both tall fescue and perennial ryegrass varieties containing higher levels of endophytic fungus in the seeds, while seedlings of wheat grass infected higher level of endophytic fungi had higher seed germination rate, better growth and more tillers. However, endophytic fungi infected in wheat grass did not cause better aphid resistance of the host. These indicated that the application of these endophytic fungi in agriculture was promising.