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Li Fang, Zhang Feng, Gao Ping, Duan Ting-yu. Progress of research on the interactions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, grass endophyte and plant pathogens in agro-ecosystem. Pratacultural Science,2016,33(2): 219-229
Arbuscular myucorrhizal fungi (AMF), grass endophyte and plant pathogens are widely distributed in agro-ecosystems. Both AMF and grass endophyte could establish symbiosis with plants which could improve plant nutrient uptake, water absorption and enhance plant stress resistance, such as disease and drought stress. AMF could reduce plant disease incidence and disease index by a series of mechanisms including competing invading sites, nutrition and space with plant pathogens, consuming plant pathogens energy, improving plant water and nutrition efficiency and adjusting plant disease related proteins. Grass endophyte also could decrease plant disease incidence and the possible mechanism including excreting antimicrobial metabolites, inducing plant resistance and inhibiting medium of disease spread. The interactions of AMF and grass endophyte depended on plants and fungi which are mutual or antagonism. Research and utilization of AMF and grass endophyte are very important for improving and maintaining agro-ecosystem productivity and sustainability.
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方爱国, 李春杰. Neotyphodium属禾草内生真菌和球囊霉属菌根真菌对野大麦生长的影响. 草业科学, 2014, 31(3): 457-461. Fang AG, Li CJ. Effect of Neotyphodium endophyte and AMF on Hordeum brevisubulatum growth. Pratacultural Science, 2014, 31(3): 457-461. (in Chinese)[本文引用:1]
方爱国. 盐与磷胁迫条件下内生真菌和菌根菌对野大麦生长的影响. 兰州: 兰州大学硕士毕业论文, 2013. Fang AG. Effects of Neotyphodium Endophyte and AM fungi on growth of Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt and phosphorus stress conditions. Master Thesis. Lanzhou: Lanzhou University, 2013. (in Chinese)[本文引用:1]
郭良栋, 田春杰. 菌根真菌的碳氮循环功能研究进展. 微生物学通报, 2013, 40(1): 158-171. Guo LD, Tian CJ. Progress of the function of mucorrhizal fungi in the cycle of carbon and nitrogen. Microbiology China, 2013, 40(1): 158-171. (in Chinese)
Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association formed between soil fungi and plant roots. Mycorrhizal fungi exchange soil-derived nutrients for carbohydrates from host plants, and therefore play an important role in the cycle of carbon and nitrogen in ecosystems. Research results indicated that mycorrhizal fungi can obtain ca. 4%?26% of total net primary production of host plants, and biomass and secretion (glomalin) of mycorrhizal fungi are important soil carbon-pool. Simultaneously, mycorrhizal fungi may decompose the complex soil organic compounds. Nitrogen is transported from extraradical to intraradical hyphae by a transferring procedure from inorganic to organic and inorganic nitrogen in mycorrhizae. Advances of recent mycorrhizal researches on the metabolic function and mechanism of carbon and nitrogen were summarized and related fields in future studies were also mentioned in this review paper.
陈伟燕. 不同水肥条件下AM真菌对黄芩生长的影响. 保定: 河北大学硕士学位论文, 2014. Chen WY. Effects of AM fungi on the growth of Scutellaria baicalensis georgi under different soil water and fertilizer conditions. Master Thesis. Baoding: Hebei University, 2014. (in Chinese)
贺学礼, 马丽, 孟静静, 王平. 不同水肥条件下AM真菌对丹参幼苗生长和营养成分的影响. 生态学报, 2012, 32(18): 5721-5728. He XL, MaL, Meng JJ, WangP. Effects of AM fungi on the growth and nutrients of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. under different soil water and fertilizer conditions. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(18): 5721-5728. (in Chinese)
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.is a medicinal plant and perennial herb with relieving pain promoting blood circulation, and so on. In recent years, to supplying people's the demand, the area of cultivation Salvia was increasing in Hebei province, but the quality was reducing because of non-standard planting and improper use of fertilizer and pesticides. Therefore, it has become the popular areas of researches to improve yield and quality of Salvia at home and abroad. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are a class of beneficial soil microbes. It is well known that AM fungi can enhance the resistance of plants to stressful situations, such as drought, salt, nutrient deficiency, etc. At the same time, AM fungi can form a good symbiotic relationship with the almost ninety percent of vascular plants. Some researches have shown that the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis has significant interactive effects with water and fertilizer. The paper mainly studied the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi( Glomus mosseae ) on the growth and nutrient of Salvia miltiorrhiza under different soil water and fertilizer conditions with pot experiment in greenhouse. The experimental design include two water treatments (drought stress, 40% of soil relative water content; normal water, 70% of soil relative water content). The amount of phosphorus included three levels low phosphorus (0.08 gP/kg soil,P1), normal phosphorus(0.16 gP/kg soil, P2) and high phosphorus (0.24 gP/kg soil, P3). The same condition inoculated differently with Glomus mosseae and non-mycorrhizal inoculation.The results showed that the treatment inoculated with AM fungi significantly promoted growth of host plant and infection rate, but the effect sof inoculation were affected by soil water and P level. Under 40% relative water content and different P levels, the inoculation of AM fungi on host plant has different influence on two water levels,Results as follows. The content of tanshinone in root significantly increased under P1, P2, P3 level; Both the content of tanshinone, Ca, Fe in shoot and Zn in root clearly went up only under P1, P2 level; The content of K, Zn in shoot increse only with P3 level; And the Mn in shoot increased only under P2, P3 level; However, when under P1, P2, P3 level, the content of danshensu in shoot and root, total phenolic and total flavonoids in root significantly reduced ; Only with P1, P2 level, the total flavonoids in shoot decreased obviously.. Under 70% relative water content, inoculation of AM fungi on Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. has different influence on two water levels as follows. The content of total flavonoids, total phenolic in shoot and root, tanshinone, Fe in shoot and Ca, Mn in shoot all increased under P1, P2, P3 level; The content of danshensu and Zn in root also rised but only under P1, P2 level; The content of Mn in root increased only under P2, P3 level; Cu in shoot, Ca in root and K in shoot significantly increased under P1, P2 and P3 level respectively. The growth of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. was inhabited by water stress, but the inhibition was alleviated after inoculated with AM fungi. Therefore, AM fungi can form a good symbiotic relationship with Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.. Inoculation of AM fungi on the Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. had the best effection under 70% relative water content and P2(0.16 gP/kg soil) level.
宋培玲, 郝丽芬, 李欣州, 张键, 云晓鹏, 包玉英, 李子钦. 丛枝菌根真菌特性及其提高植物抗病性的研究进展. 内蒙古农业科技, 2013(3): 84-85. Song PL, Hao LF, Li XZ, ZhangJ, Yun XP, Bao YY, Li ZQ. The characteristics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and improvement of plant disease resistance. Inner Mongolia Agricultural Science and Technology, 2013(3): 84-85. (in Chinese)
南志标, 李春杰. 禾草-内生真菌共生体在草地农业系统中的作用. 生态学报, 2004, 24(3): 605-616. Nan ZB, Li CJ. Roles of the grass-Neotyphodium association in pastoral agriculture systems. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2004, 24(3): 605-616. (in Chinese)
Neotyphodium (syn. =Acremonium) endophytes are a group of fungi which live for all, or at least a significant part of their life cycle asymptomatically within grass plant parts. Innumerable studies on graminicolous endophytic fungi have been carried out internationally in the fields of mycology, pasture agronomy, animal and plant sciences and veterinary science during the last 25 years. Research on endophytes started in the early 1990's in China. In this paper research progress on the grass-endophyte associ...
王正凤, 李春杰, 金文进, 南志标. 内生真菌对野大麦耐盐性的影响. 草地学报, 2009, 17(1): 88-92. Wang ZF, Li CJ, Jin WJ, Nan ZB. Effect of Neotyphodium endophyte infection on salt tolerance of Hordeum brevisubulatum(Trin. ) Link. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2009, 17(1): 88-92. (in Chinese)
The outside pot experiment was performed and the growth and physiological characteristics of Neotyphodium endophyte-infected(E+) and endophyte-free(E-) wild barley( Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link) were observed under different NaCl concentrations(0,100,200,and 300 mmol L -1 ).The results show that the tiller number,biomass accumulation,contents of soluble sugar and proline,and activity of SOD isozyme of E+ plants were significantly higher( P P <0.05),than those of E-plants.In conclusion,endophyte infection improved the salt tolerance of wild barley under outside pot conditions.
在室外盆栽条件下,通过比较带内生真菌(E+)与不带内生真菌(E-)的野大麦( Hordeum brevisubulatum (Trin.)Link)在不同NaCl浓度(0、100、200、300 mmolL -1 )条件下的生长与生理指标变化,分析了内生真菌对宿主野大麦耐盐性的影响。结果表明:在高盐浓度(300 mmol L -1 )下内生真菌显著提高了宿主野大麦分蘖能力、生物量积累、可溶性糖含量、脯氨酸含量、SOD酶活性( P <0.05),同时降低了丙二醛含量,说明内生真菌的侵入有利于提高宿主野大麦在室外盆栽条件下的耐盐性。
朱先灿, 宋凤斌, 徐洪文. 低温胁迫下丛枝菌根真菌对玉米光合特性的影响. 应用生态学报, 2010, 21(2): 470-475. Zhu XC, Song FB, Xu HW. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on photosynthetic characteristics of maize under low temperature stress. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2010, 21(2): 470-475. (in Chinese)
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus etunicatum on the growth, relative chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence, and photosynthesis of maize ( Zea mays L.)plants under low temperature (15 ℃ and 5 ℃) stress. Low temperature decreased the AM root colonization. The shoot and root dry mass and the relative chlorophyll content of AM maize plants were higher than those of non-AM maize plants. AM maize plants had higher maximal fluorescence ( F m ), variable fluorescence ( F v ),maximum photochemical efficiency ( F v /F m ), and potential photochemical efficiency ( F v /F o ),and lower primary fluorescence ( F o ), compared with non-AM maize plants, and the differences were significant under 5 ℃ condition. The photosynthetic rate ( P n ) and transpiration rate ( T r ) of maize inoculated with G. etunicatum increased markedly. Under low temperature stress, the stomatal conductance( G s ) of AM maize plants was significantly higher than that of non-AM maize plants, while the intercellular CO 2 concentration ( C i ) of AM maize plants was notably lower than that of nonAM maize plants. It wassuggested that AM fungi could alleviate the low temperature damage on maize plants via improving their leaf chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, and chlorophyll fluorescence, and enhance the low temperature tolerance of maize plants, resulting in the promotion of host plant growth and the increase of host plant biomass.
利用盆栽试验,在15 ℃和5 ℃低温胁迫下研究了丛枝菌根(AM)真菌对玉米生长、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光和光合作用的影响.结果表明:低温胁迫抑制了AM真菌的侵染;接种AM真菌的玉米地上部和地下部干物质量、相对叶绿素含量高于不接种植株.与非菌根玉米相比,菌根玉米具有较高的最大荧光( F m )、可变荧光( F v )、最大光化学效率( F v /F m )和潜在光化学效率( F v /F o )及较低的初始荧光( F o ),并且在5 ℃处理中差异显著.接种AM真菌使玉米叶片的净光合速率( P n )和蒸腾速率( T r )显著增强;低温胁迫下,菌根植株的气孔导度( G s )显著高于非菌根植株;而胞间CO 2 浓度( C i )显著低于非菌根植株.表明AM真菌可通过提高叶绿素含量及改善叶片叶绿素荧光和光合作用来减轻低温胁迫对玉米植株造成的伤害,提高玉米耐受低温的能力,进而提高玉米的生物量,促进玉米生长.
宋梅玲, 李春杰, 彭清青, 梁莹, 南志标. 温度和水分胁迫下内生真菌对野大麦种子发芽的影响. 草地学报, 2010, 18(6): 833-837. Song ML, Li CJ, Peng QQ, LiangY, Nan ZB. Effects of Neotyphodium endophyte on germination of Hordeum brevisubulatum under temperature and water stress conditions. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2010, 18(6): 833-837. (in Chinese)
Seed germination and seedling growth of Neotyphodium endophytE-infected(E+)and endophytE-free(E-)wild barley( Hordeum brevisubulatum )were observed under temperature and simulated drought stress conditions.Results show that germination rate and germination index of E+ seed were significantly higher than those of E-seeds( P P Neotyphodium endophyte can improve the germination rate,germination speed,seedling growth,capacity of water self-absorption of wild barley under lower and higher temperature and water stress conditions.
本文通过比较携带(E+)和未携带(E-)内生真菌( Neotyphodium )的野大麦种子( Hordeum brevisubulatum )在温度胁迫和模拟干旱胁迫条件下种子的发芽速度、发芽率、根苗长以及幼苗含水量等方面的差异,探讨了内生真菌在对宿主植物抗逆境胁迫条件下的增益作用。结果表明:在10℃,15℃低温胁迫和30℃高温胁迫时,E+种子的发芽率、发芽指数显著大于E-种子( P P P <0.05),表明内生真菌可以促进宿主植物在温度和干旱胁迫环境中发芽后幼苗的生长,并增强植株自主吸收水分的能力。
陈牧, 王晓娟, 豆存艳, 孙向伟, 林双双, 罗巧玉, 金樑. AM真菌对草原生态系统中宿主植物与草食动物互作的调控. 云南农业大学学报, 2012, 27(3): 430-439. ChenM, Wang XJ, Dou CY, Sun XW, Lin SS, Luo QY, JinL. Influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the inter relationship of host plant and grazing animals in grassland ecosystem. Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University, 2012, 27(3): 430-439. (in Chinese)
南志标. 建立中国的牧草病害可持续管理体系. 草业学报, 2000, 9(2): 1-9. Nan ZB. Establishing sustainable management system for diseases of pasture crops in China. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2000, 9(2): 1-9. (in Chinese)
贺忠群, 李焕秀, 汤浩茹. 立枯丝核菌侵染下AMF对黄瓜内源激素的影响. 中国农学通报, 2010, 26(17): 187-190. He ZQ, Li HX, Tang HR. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on endogenous in cucumber after Rhizoctonia solani inoculation. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2010, 26(17): 187-190. (in Chinese)
【Objective】The purpose was to study the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant growth and endogenous in cucumber Rhizoctonia solani .【Method】 In pot culture, the plant with no inoculation as control, cucumber infected by GV was inoculated with Rhizoctonia solani and dynamic variation of IAA、GA3、Zeatin、ABA in cucumber roots in different treatments were decided by the method of ELIA.【Results】(1) The effect of GV and Rhizoctonia solani on endogenous in cucumber root was different. AMF inoculation improved the content of IAA、GA3、Zeatin、ABA. these endogenous hormones, whereas Rhizoctonia solani inoculation improved the content of IAA、ABA and decreased GA3、Zeatin at the same time. (2)Higher content of IAA、GA3、Zeatin in root inoculated with GV and lower ABA was detected compared to the control infected by Rhizoctonia solani.【Conclusion】GV improved plant growth and the improved disease tolerance was related to the content of IAA、GA3、Zeatin induced by GV. IAA has certain role in plant defense against pathogen infection process
王倡宪, 郝志鹏. 丛枝菌根真菌对黄瓜枯萎病的影响. 菌物学报, 2008, 27(3): 395-404. Wang CX, Hao ZP. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on fusarium wilt of cucumber seedlings. Mycosystema, 2008, 27(3): 395-404. (in Chinese)
Pot experiment was conducted to explore whether nursery inoculation of cucumber with Glomus etunicatum could alleviate fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum. Four-week-old seedlings inoculated with Glomus etunicatum were infected with F. oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum by pouring conidial suspension. Biomass, contents of malonaldehyde (MDA), soluble sugar and free proline in roots, as well as the quantity of bacteria and fungi in rhizosphere were determined. The results indicated that the root dry weight of seedlings preinoculated with Glomus etunicatum increased by 9.3%; contents of soluble sugar and free proline in roots increased, and the quantity of fungi in rhizosphere decreased significantly. The disease incidence and disease index of Fusarium wilt were reduced. On the contrary, root dry weight of seedlings without inoculation with Glomus etunicatum was reduced by 28.0%. It is concluded that Glomus etunicatum is beneficial to biocontrol of Fusarium wilt of cucumber seedlings.
刘海波, 玉永雄. 紫花苜蓿根腐病研究进展. 草原与草坪, 2006, 16(3): 3-6. Liu HB, Yu YX. Research progress in root rot of alfalfa. Grassland and Turf, 2006, 16(3): 3-6. (in Chinese)
宋福强, 王炭, 田兴军, 马风林 . 丛枝菌根(AM)与桃树根癌病关系初探. 植物病理学报, 2005, 35(6): 192-195. Song FQ, WangT, Tian XJ, Ma FL. Preliminary study on relationship between arbuscular mycorrhizas and crown gall of peach trees. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2005, 35(6): 192-195. (in Chinese)
郭开发, 王斌, 王志霞, 赵思峰. 两株AM真菌防治加工番茄根腐病的研究. 新疆农业科学, 2012, 49(8): 1427-1433. Guo KF, WangB, Wang ZX, Zhao SF. The study of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus control of processing tomato root rot disease. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2012, 49(8): 1427-1433. (in Chinese)
崔卫东, 龙宣杞, 侯新强, 杨蓉, 补娟, 罗明. 黄萎病原菌胁迫对丛枝菌根化棉花幼苗根部防御性酶及超微结构的影响. 新疆农业科学, 2009, 46(6): 1235-1244. Cui WD, Long XQ, Hou XQ, YangR, BuJ, LuoM. Effect of verticillium wilt pathogen stress on the defensive enzymes and ultramicrostructure in the cotton root inoculated with AMF. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2009, 46(6): 1235-1244. (in Chinese)
[目的]探讨从枝菌真菌提高棉花黄萎病抗性的作用机理,在棉花上应用AM真菌提高棉花对黄萎病的抗性.[方法]温室盆栽条件下,研究了接种两种丛枝菌根真菌摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)和幼套球囊霉(Glomus etunicatum)的棉花幼苗在黄萎病原菌(Verticillium dahliae)胁迫下,其根内防御性酶活性、抗性相关物质和根细胞超微结构的变化情况.[结果]感病品种军棉1号接种AM真菌后,(1)能够诱导根内防御性酶系苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、几丁质酶和过氧化物酶(POD)的积累,增加酶的含量,提高酶的活性,而接种AM真菌后再接种病原菌,其PAL、几丁质酶和POD活性均显著提高,明显高于其它处理,并增加了一条POD同工酶条带;(2)接种AM真菌能够增加根内酚类物质的含量,降低根内丙二醛的含量,表明接种AM真菌可减轻植株细胞的膜脂过氧化作用,缓解细胞的损伤.(3)棉花根系受到AM真菌的侵染后,根系细胞发生了一系列有利于提高对病原菌抵抗能力的结构性变化,如细胞发生变形固缩,液泡数量明显减少,木质部结构增多.而接种AM真菌后再接种病原菌,根系细胞发生更为剧烈的变化,包括细胞壁明显加宽,细胞颜色加深,栅栏组织和导管变形,导管处产生胶状物质,线粒体内折消失,细胞壁木质化,出现了细胞壁物质的沉积.[结论]提出了AM真菌提高棉花黄萎病抗性的防御机制和强化机制,并认为AM真菌的侵染对于植物起到了类似于"免疫"的作用,这种类似免疫的作用在AM真菌提高棉花黄萎病抗性的作用机制之中最为直接和重要. Abstract: [Objective amd Method]Exposed to the stress of pathogen fungus Verticillium dahliae,the changes of activities of defensive enzymes in root tissue,the contents of resistance related substances and ultra-microstructure of root cells of cotton seedlings which have been inoculated previously with two kinds of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF,Glomus mosseae and Glomus etunicatum)have been investigated under the condition of pot cultivation in green house.[Result]The results indicated that for the cotton seedlings of susceptible variety (Gossypium hisuvm L. Cv Junmian No.1): (1) AMF inoculation were introduced to improve the contents and activities of defensive enzymes in root including phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL),chitinase,peroxidase (POD),and especially in case of double inoculation,the contents and activities of the three enzymes have been improved significantly and a new band of POD isoenzyme has appeared. (2) AMF inoculation could increase the contents of total phenol and decrease the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in root which indicated that incoulation of AMF could decrease membrane lipid peroxidtion of plant cell and control the injure of cell.(3) A series of structural changes occurred to the root cells which are favorable to improving tolerance of root system after AMF colonization,such as cell deformation and pyknosis,decrease in vacuole number and xylem expanded,and some more drastic change occurred in the case of double inoculation,the cell color became darker,palisade tissues and vessels deformed,mitochondria disappeared,the cell walls became thicker obviously and lignified,substance deposition occurred on cell walls. [Conclusion]The author therefore summarized that AMF could improve the tolerance of cotton to Verticillium wilt and protection effect on the plant.
龙宣杞, 王继辉, 陈金海, 崔卫东, 杨蓉, 陆军. 丛枝菌根菌剂对大田棉花抗病性及产量的影响. 新疆农业科学, 2007, 44(4): 457-460. Long XQ, Wang JH, Chen JH, Cui WD, YangR, LuJ. Effect of inoculation with AMF inoculum on disease resistance and yield of cotton field. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2007, 44(4): 457-460. (in Chinese)
李敏, 刘润进, 李晓林. 大田条件下丛枝菌根真菌对西瓜生长和枯萎病的影响. 植物病理学报, 2004, 34(5): 472-473. LiM, Liu RJ, Li XL. Influences of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and Fusarium-wilt disease of watermelon in field. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2004, 34(5): 472-473. (in Chinese)
陈可, 孙吉庆, 刘润进, 李敏. 丛枝菌根真菌对西瓜嫁接苗生长和根系防御性酶活性的影响. 应用生态学报, 2013, 24(1): 135-141. ChenK, Sun JQ, Liu RJ, LiM. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus on the seedling growth of grafted watermelon and the defensive enzyme activities in the seedling roots. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2013, 24(1): 135-141. (in Chinese)
A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus versiforme on the seedling growth and root membrane permeability, malondiadehyde (MDA) content, and defensive enzyme activities of non-grafted and grafted watermelon growing on the continuously cropped soil. Inoculation with G. versiforme increased the seedling biomass and root activity significantly, and decreased the root membrane permeability and MDA content. The seedling shoot fresh mass, shoot dry mass, and root activity of non-grafted watermelon increased by 57.6%, 60.0% and 142.1%, and those of grafted watermelon increased by 26.7%, 28.0% and 11.0%, respectively, compared with no G. versiforme inoculation. The root membrane permeability of non-grafted seedlings (C), grafted seedlings (G), nongrafted seedlings inoculated with G. versiforme (C+M), and grafted seedlings inoculated with G. versiforme (G+M) was in the order of C>G>C+M>G+M, and the root MDA content was in the sequence of C>G>G+M>C+M. G. versiforme inoculation increased the root phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase activities of grafted and non-grafted seedlings significantly, and the peaks of the POD, PAL and β-1,3-glucanase activities in the mycorrhizal roots appeared about two weeks earlier than those in the non-inoculated roots. These results indicated that inoculating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus G. versiforme could activate the defensive enzyme activities of nongrafted and grafted watermelon seedlings, enable the seedling roots to produce rapid response to adversity, and thus, improve the capability of watermelon seedling against continuous cropping obstacle.
李海燕. 丛枝菌根(AM)真菌诱导植物抗/耐线虫病害的机制研究. 泰安: 山东农业大学博士毕业论文, 2002. Li HY. The mechanisms involvedin plant resistanee/tolerance response induced by AM fungi towards nematode. PhD Thesis. Tai’an: Shand ong University, 2002. (in Chinese)
李秀璋, 姚祥, 李春杰, 南志标. 禾草内生真菌作为生防因子的潜力分析. 植物生态学报, 2015, 39(6): 621-634. Li XZ, YaoX, Li CJ, Nan ZB. Potential analysis of grass endophytes Epichloë as biocontrol agents. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 39(6): 621-634. (in Chinese)
Many grasses in the subfamily Pooideae develop symbioses with Neotyphodium fungal endophytes, which exist widely in nature. The stably symbiotic relationship not only ensures accessible nutrients required by Neotyphodium fungal endophytes, but also significantly increases the resistance of host grasses to biological stresses through the production of secondary metabolites. Previous studies show that infected grasses with endophytic fungi have prominently enhanced resistance to pests, plant diseases, companion plants and other biological stresses. Grass endophytic fungi show remarkable resistant to at least 79 species of pests from three classes; arachnida, nematode and insecta, and to at least 22 species of pathogenic fungi. Although the biotechnological application of endophytic fungi in grass breeding for variety selection and quality improvement has progressed well, opportunities remain for further exploring the use of fungal endophytes among different host grasses coupled with the examination of genetic stability of Neotyphodium in novel host grasses. In the future application of endophytic fungi as a bio-control method, researchers should not only consider specificities of host grasses, but also need to have comprehensive analysis and knowledge about the mutual relationships among grasses, endophytic fungi and ecological environments, which will help use endophytic fungi to better serve humanity.
古燕翔, 王代军, 胡跃高. 内生真菌对草坪型高羊茅草弯孢霉叶斑病的影响. 中国草地学报, 2007, 29(3): 112-115. Gu YX, Wang DJ, Hu YG. The effect of endophytic fungus on Curvularia lunate in Festuca arundinacea. Chinese Journal of Grassland , 2007, 29(3): 112-115.
江淑平, 王志勇. 内生真菌感染对高羊茅褐斑病抗性的研究. 安徽农业科学, 2006, 34(17): 4345-4346. Jiang SP, Wang ZY. Study on the resistance of tall fescue infected by endophyte fungus to brown patch. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2006, 34(17): 4345-4346. (in Chinese)
王欣禹, 周勇, 任安芝, 高玉葆. 内生真菌感染对宿主羊草抗病性的影响. 生态学报, 2014, 34(23): 6789-6796. Wang XY, ZhouY, Ren AZ, Gao YB. Effect of endophyte infection on fungal disease resistance of Leymus chinensis. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2014, 34(23): 6789-6796. (in Chinese)
Endophytes are commonly defined as fungi that live asymptomatically within healthy plant tissue, such as leaves, stems or roots, for a part or all of their life cycle. The largest plant family hosting these endophytes is Poaceae. Studies on the grass-endophyte symbiosis indicate that endophytes can not only protect the host grass from abiotic stresses but also enhance its resistance to biotic disturbance, including herbivores, nematodes, bacteria and pathogens. However, the response of grass-endophyte symbiosis to fungal pathogens is less studied. Most previous reports on resistance of endophytes to pathogens have focused on inhibition of fungal pathogens by endophytes in vitro or by inoculation of fungal pathogens on detached leaves of the symbiont, and these studies have demonstrated that endophytes can inhibit growth of certain species of fungal pathogens to some degree. Up to now, only a few studies have centered on influence of endophyte infection on disease resistance of live plants. In this paper we used the endophyte Epichloë bromicola , which was isolated from Leymus chinensis . L. chinensis is a natural grass, widely distributed in the Inner Mongolian steppe. Three species of fungal pathogens were chosen, i.e. Curvularia lunata , Bipolaris sorokiniana and Cladosporium sp.. The experiment comprised three parts, i.e. fungal pathogens inhibition experiment by endophyte, infected detached leaves and infected intact plants experiments. The questions were: (1) whether E. bromicola could inhibit the growth of the three fungal pathogens in vitro , and (2) whether endophyte-infected (E+) and endophyte-free (E-) plants differed in resistance to the pathogenic fungi in detached leaves and live plants of L. chinensis . The results suggested that E. bromicola significantly inhibited the growth of C. lunata , B. sorokiniana and C. sp. in vitro , but anti-fungal activities of the endophyte to different pathogenic fungi were different. The inhibition rates were 56.22, 46.93 and 45.15%, respectively. Culture filtrate of endophyte also effectively reduced pathogenic spore germination and the average germination rate were 30.4, 15.7 and 16.4%, respectively. The main antagonism mechanisms involved in competition and producing anti-fungal chemical compounds. As for our research, the main strategy was the latter. Leaf inoculation trial showed that all fungal pathogens were able to cause lesions on detached leaves regardless of endophyte status. Either the number or length of disease lesions on E+ L. chinensis leaves caused by C. lunata or C. sp. decreased compared with those on E- leaves. But lesion number and length of B. sorokiniana leaf spots were dramatically higher on E+ leaves compared with E- leaves. Detached leaves extraction inhibited three pathogens to varying degrees. The reason might be that some inhibitory substances differed in vitro and in the whole plant. The intact E+ leaves had greater resistance to all of three species of pathogens than E- leaves. The explanation may be that the defense of plant associated with endophyte increased through resistance enhancement and secondary metabolites production. In a word, the endophyte E. bromicola had a positive effect on disease resistance of the host plant.
以感染内生真菌的天然禾草羊草为实验材料,通过体外纯培养条件下的内生真菌、感染内生真菌的离体叶片和在体叶片对3种病原菌的抑菌实验,以探讨内生真菌对宿主植物羊草在抗病性方面的贡献。结果表明:体外纯培养条件下,分离自羊草的内生真菌 Epichloë bromicola 对新月弯孢( Curvularia lunata )、根腐离蠕孢( Bipolaris sorokiniana )和枝孢霉( Cladosporium sp.)这3种病原菌都具有抑制作用,抑菌率分别达56.22%,46.93%和45.15%,且内生真菌培养滤液可以有效抑制这3种病原菌的孢子萌发,平均萌发率分别为30.4%,15.7%和16.4%;宿主植物叶片在离体条件下,内生真菌感染可以有效降低羊草叶片受 C. lunata 和 C. sp.侵染后的病斑数或病斑长度,但对 B. sorokiniana 不起作用,甚至提高了叶片的病斑数及病斑长度,而离体叶片提取液对不同病原菌均有不同程度的抑制作用;在体条件下,内生真菌均可以通过降低叶片病斑数来增强羊草植株对这3种病原菌的抗性。由此看来,内生真菌 E. bromicola 对宿主植物羊草在抗病原菌侵染方面有一定的增益作用。
马敏芝, 南志标. 内生真菌对感染锈病黑麦草生长和生理的影响. 草业学报, 2011, 20(6): 150-156. Ma MZ, Nan ZB. Effect of fungal endophytes against rust disease of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) on growth and physiological indices. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2011, 20(6): 150-156. (in Chinese)
在田间条件下对带内生真菌和不带内生真菌球道黑麦草品种被锈菌不同程度感染后的生长、光合特性和生理指标进行测定。结果表明,带内生真菌的植株无论感病轻重,其病叶损失率和植株矮化程度均显著低于不带内生真菌的植株( P <0.05)。并且在轻度和重度病株中,内生真菌可提高黑麦草叶片相对含水量、可溶性糖含量、叶绿素含量,净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度,叶内游离脯氨酸含量、超氧化物歧化酶与过氧化物酶的活性;同时有效地降低了丙二醛的含量,说明内生真菌的存在可提高寄主黑麦草在田间条件下的抗锈病能力。
马敏芝, 南志标. 黑麦草内生真菌对植物病原真菌生长的影响. 草业学报, 2011, 28(6): 962-968. Ma MZ, Nan ZB. Effects of fungal endophytes from perennial ryegrass on the growth of plant pathogens. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2011, 28(6): 962-968. (in Chinese)
Abstract: In this paper, we evaluated the effects of 4 strains of endophytic fungi and their fermented products on the growth of 4 plant pathogens. The four strains of endophytic fungi were NA1, NM2, NP2 and NF1 which were isolated from 4 cultivars of perennial ryegrass, Accent, Medary, Pinnacle and Fairway respectively. The 4 plant pathogens were Alternaria alternata, Bipolaris sorokiniana, Curvularia lunata and Drechslera sp.. The 4 strains of endophytic fungi were incubated with the pathogens by the dualculture. The spores germination and colonies growth speed of plant pathogen were measured under dualculture test and with and without the apply of endophytic fungi fermented products. The results showed that the growth of four pathogenic fungi were inhibited by endophytic fungi and the inhabitation of the endophyte were different to different pathogenic fungi. The inhibition of endophytic fungi to the pathogens were between 42.51%~46.25%, 31.45%~43.97%, 34.51%~46.55% and 40.19%~46.62% respectively. The fermented products of four endophytic fungi obviously inhibited all pathogenic fungi colonies growth and spores germination, of which, NF1 had the strongest inhibiting activity than that of the other endophytes (P<0.05), and also, the fermented products of NF1 showed strong inhibition on colonies growth and spores germination of Bipolaris sorokiniana, the rate of inhibition were 57.20% and 86.60% respectively.
秦俊华, 卢玉, 李夏, 周勇, 任安芝, 高玉葆. 喷施茉莉酮酸甲酯及感染内生真菌对羽茅生长的影响. 应用生态学报, 2015, 26(4): 1145-1152. Qin JH, LuY, LiX, ZhouY, Ren AZ, Gao YB. Effects of methyl jasmonate treatments and endophyte infection on growth of Achnatherum sibiricum. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2015, 26(4): 1145-1152. (in Chinese)
We used Achnatherum sibiricum , a native grass as test material and application of methyl jasmonate (MJ) to simulate herbivory, and compared the growth and physiological characters of endophyteinfected (EI) and endophytefree (EF) plants. The results showed that MJ treatment significantly decreased the shoot growth, but significantly increased the concentrations of defensive substances such as total phenolic and lignin, and decreased the size of aphid population. Endophyte infection significantly increased the tiller number, total phenolic and lignin contents in the shoot. As for shoot biomass and total phenolic in the root, they were affected by MJ treatment. Without MJ treatment, no significant differences were found in shoot biomass or root phenolic content whether the plants were infected by endophyte or not. With MJ treatment, the shoot biomass was significantly lower and the shoot phenolic content was significantly higher in EI plants than in EF plants. Endophyte infection significantly increased resistance of the host plant to aphids, and the beneficial effect was enhanced by MJ treatments, after three applications with MJ, there were no aphids on EI plants. Overall, endophyte infection could alter the allocation pattern of the host plant between growth and defense, and MJ treatments further strengthened the defensive ability of the host plant at the cost of growth.
杨玉峰, 李保利. 植物内生真菌在植物病害防治中的作用. 河南农业科学, 2011, 40(3): 25-28. Yang YF, Li BL. The roles of endophytic fungi in biological control of plant diseases. Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 40(3): 25-28. (in Chinese)
方爱国. 盐与磷胁迫条件下内生真菌和菌根菌对野大麦生长的影响. 兰州: 兰州大学硕士毕业论文, 2013. Fang AG. Effects of Neotyphodium Endophyte and AM fungi on growth of Hordeum brevisubulatum under salt and phosphorus stress conditions. Master Thesis. Lanzhou: Lanzhou University, 2013. (in Chinese)