李霞霞, 张钦弟, 朱珣之. 近十年入侵植物紫茎泽兰研究进展. 草业科学, 2017,34(2):283-292
Li Xia-xia, Zhang Qin-di, Zhu Xun-zhi. Progress of the research on invasive plant species Eupatorium adenophorum over the last decade . Pratacultural Science,2017,34(2): 283-292
Eupatorium adenophorum is the most invasive weed in China and has caused enormous losses to agriculture, the livestock industry, and the environment. This review focuses on E. adenophorum biological characteristics, invasion mechanisms, ecological effects of invasions, and controls and utilizations, and summarizes the progress of research on E. adenophorum over the past decade. We review reproduction and phenological characteristics of E. adenophorum, which illuminates the physiological factors that could benefit its expansion. Then, we summarize the molecular, biological, and chemical mechanisms of E. adenophorum invasion, and clarify its effect on microorganisms and soil biological and chemical properties. We summarize the research on controls, replacements, and utilizations of E. adenophorum. This paper also points out that research on the mechanism of allelopathic degradation and the relationship between allelochemicals and the microbial community should be strengthened, and the utilization value of E. adenophorum should be explored. The importance of studies on population establishment and community succession of E. adenophorum under natural conditions is emphasized.
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