Harmonia axyridis, with its highly diverse wing colour pattern, is one of the most important natural insect enemies that have fascinated biologists. Comprehensively understanding the bio-ecological characteristics of H. axyridis is a prerequisite to developing effective biological control agents. In this paper, we reviewed the research history of studies on H. axyridis, summarized the results of bio-ecological characterizations of H. axyridis, and focused on the recent research progress on its predatory actions, wing colour polymorphism, artificial rearing, and field releasing technology. We suggest that further studies of the bio-ecological characteristics of H. axyridis would be necessary in future to elucidate the evolutionary mechanism of its ecological adaptation and the genetic basis of its wing colour polymorphism. In addition, further studies would promote the “factory” and “commercialization” of artificial rearing, which would lay the foundation for the conservation and utilization of H. axyridis.
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